
Website Designer

This website a is portfolio website. On the portfolio page you will find links to pages that show you some of the work I did while attending the Arts Institute of Pittburgh Online Division.

If you never had a website or just want a basic website we can make it for you. We make personal or company websites. We also can make more advanced websites which include financial transactions and ordering.

Use your website to share pictures, contact information, recipes, or anything you wish to share with friends, or use it for your company to help generate more business.

Logo Design

We can custom make a logo for your company.

Instructional Media

Using Adobe Captivate we can make you an an instructional program that you can use to train your children, employees etc.

We can help you set up your business using Quick Books Pro.

Check our Multimedia and you can learn just how to set up a Business using Quickbooks Pro. This is a short training program just to show how it works, we can make much longer more detailed programs for you.

Low Cost Services

We are a small company and can afford to offer low cost services.